
《轉知》「2017 NCUE Summer Camp華人文化國際夏令營」即日起開始受理報名,歡迎國際學生踴躍參加。

學生事務處 / 賴貞庭
有效日期:2017/04/28 ~ 2017/08/05
國立彰化師範大學訂於7月23日至8月5日舉辦「2017華人文化國際夏令營」, 即日起開始受理報名,歡迎本校國際學生踴躍報名參加。 本營隊提供國際學生學習華語以及華人文化的一系列課程活動,並帶領學生認識中台灣的風俗民情與地理環境,亦透過進入社區與偏鄉國小進行服務學習活動,深入了解臺灣在地文化風情。 ◎ 招募對象:非臺灣國籍之國際學生(17歲至25歲)。 ◎ 營隊時間:7月23日(日)至8月5日(六),共14天。 ◎ 詳情請見檢附之營隊簡章與報名表,歡迎學生團體報名享優惠方案, 有意參加者請於5月30日前填妥資料並寄至Email:conniekoni@cc.ncue.edu.tw。 ◎ 報名諮詢專線:(04)7232105 分機5116 鍾小姐。 National Changhua University Education(NCUE) will hold "2017 Summer Camp" activity from July 23 to August 5. ※※ Please refer to the attachment for details of the activity.※※ This team provides a series of courses for international students to learn Chinese and Chinese culture, and leads students to understand customs and geographical environment in the central area of Taiwan. In addition, through communities and remote elementary schools service learning to further understand about local customs and habits in Taiwan. ※ Program Dates:23rd July-5th August, 2017 ※ Application Period:From now to 30th May, 2017 ※ Prospective Students: 17-25 year-old students who are interested in learning Mandarin and Taiwanese culture. ※Tuition Fee:US$200 Including Accommodation:On-campus housing at NCUE Accident insurance:For the duration of the Summer Camp. Administrative Expenses: Chinese lessons; indoor lessons and outdoor task learning; teaching resource. Admission Tickets for Cultural activities. Transportation: Airportpick-up service for arrival and departure; buses for cultural field trips. *The fee does not include Flight Tickets, visa fees, meals and, personal expenses. ★ Special Discount: A group of four for only US$680 ( US$170 per student! ) ※If you want to register, please fill out the application form and e-mail to conniekoni@cc.ncue.edu.tw before May 30th. Program Coordinator: Ms. Connie Chung Email: conniekoni@cc.ncue.edu.tw Tel: +886-4-723-2105 ext. 5116 Fax: +886-4-721-1235



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